A dog was once picked up by a sheriff in Arkansas after she bit a mail carrier. She had been tied out in a yard for three years, overbred, abused, starved, mutilated, and neglected. She didn’t even have a name. At the time of the bite, this dog was at the very end of a pregnancy of eight pups, she weighed less than half her healthy weight (her weight, not including pups), and might have been starting to labor.
The mail carrier saw this dog every day he worked this route, and she usually allowed him to interact with her, except on this day. According to the carrier himself, the bite was not an attack, was not aggressive, and did not break the skin. But this, he reported; not the abuse and neglect.
Don’t be this mail carrier and turn a blind eye.
The dog was slated to be put down once her pups were weaned. But thanks to the intervention of a rescue and their volunteers, she was released through no less than a judge’s order, with her pups, and soon thereafter adopted by a loving family.
This dog is now Mojave. Mojave is a certified therapy dog, giving back to the community by spreading love and joy to humans in need. She is also an AKC Canine Good Citizen.
No one spoke up for Mojave. Despite that, she is giving back more to humans than they gave her for her first three years.
Will you be the Voice for another Mojave?
Mojave at the time of her rescue, four to six weeks after being taken into custody.
The Mojave’s Voice Project Against Animal Abuse (MVP-AAA) focuses on community outreach on behalf of pit bull-type dogs, delivering education programs about the breeds as well as advocating the reporting of animal abuse.
We have just launched The Mojave’s Voice Project and are laying out an action plan. This will include outreach to workers frequently out in neighborhoods, able to observe abuse and neglect, such as delivery drivers and public works employee, called Be Aware and CARE (Canine Abuse Reporting & Education). Additionally, programs teaching people the truth about Pit Bulls will target all ages. The third prong includes Mojave’s work as a therapy dog, spreading love and support to those people who need it.
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